Saturday, February 16, 2008

Apres the Lord!

You know what's funny? Almost everyone has met someone from Jersey. And everyone who's met people from JErsey love people from Jersey. People we talked to asked us where we're from, and in the beginning we said california. This yielded a ho hum response for some reason. However, once we kept it real, and answered JErsey, everything changed. Smiles, stories and questions. Maybe because it's further than california, or maybe because JErsey REPRESENTS! Anyway, onto the show.


LAst day of riding.
mixed sunshine and clouds. We hit both mountains. Blackcomb morning, lunch moves and afternoon Whislter, Then back to Blackcomb for the closeout glacier run. This place is amAzing. We hit off the photospot for free with a little help from Japan. we were swapping cameras and taking shots of the vistas, and each other. Props to them for nailing this one. Arigato Gozimas.

Whislter peak. The bottom was 3.5 miles away... great ride.

After the whistler move, we headed over to Blackcomb for some Glacier lovin. The lower mountain was cloudy, the peaks were as clear as it can get. Absolutely stunning. (and I never say that)



the moon.

By the end of the trip Bethany got pretty bold and started hitting jumps. I caught her midar busting this corked out frontside 540

Focus. Pure focus.

nothin' like some Apres beers..

And that pretty much wrapped us up on the riding. That night we ended things lovely at the Rimrock restaurant, which came highly reccommended. Lobster mashed potatoes, Caribou, and Foie Gras Venison went down type Lovely. Top notch eats, top notch girl, top notch mountain. We had the best time ever. -So far.

So that puts me up to 12 1/2 days. Word up. Time to rewind and start it over with Kevin!

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